Üdvözöllek Magyarország legnépszerűbb Naruto yaoi oldalán! :)
Ha még kezdő vagy a témban, vagy akár jobban belemélyedtél már, és nem találsz semmi újat, akkor jó helyre jöttél! ^^
Tele vagyunk nyammogni való fanficekkel, magyarra fordított doujinshikkel, és ha más fandomra vágysz, akkor még mindig ott van a sok extra yaoi anime! :3
...ha csak a sorozat érdekel, és nem szereted a yaoi műfaját (fiú x fiú), akkor maradj nyugodtan a fejlécen lévő menüknél, az mentes az ilyesmitől. :"D Valamint minden héten frissül a legújabb manga és anime részekkel. :)
Apró szabályok:
A yaoi két férfi párkapcsolatát dolgozza fel, ha problémád vanezzel a témával, kérlek ne itt tedd szóvá!
Mindenhol, ahol szükséges, fel van tüntetve a korhatár! Mindenki a saját akaratából olvassa, nézi, az oldal szerkesztői nem vállalnak felelősséget semmiért!
Az chat-be társalogni szokás! Az oldalt szidnia Panaszkönyvbe, reklámokata Vendégkönyvbe, káromkodni otthon, ha kérhetem! Más esetben törlöm az érintett üzeneteket.
Ha szeretnél valamit feltüntetni a saját oldaladon, előbb kérd el, és mindenképp írd a poszt, cikk alá, hogy innen hoztad el! (Ez azt jelenti, hogy linkelned kell az oldalt.)
Köszönöm, hogy elolvastad, jó szórakozást! ^^
A CSS kódokért köszönet:
\¸.¤ Yaoit a népnek! ¤*¨*¤.
/ \ Tedd ki ha te is Yaoista vagy!♥ :D
"Itachi killed his friends, his supperiors, his lover, his father and his mother! ... "
Uchiha Obito
"... But his little brother alone... he could not kill."
Uchiha Obito
"Don't cry, Sasuke. Your big brother is here to protect you, no matter what happens."
(To Sasuke as an infant)
("Yuruse Sasuke… Mata kondo da.")
"Forgive me Sasuke… Again, next time."
(To Sasuke)
"Being skilled isn't all that's it's made out to be. When you're strong, you become arrogant and withdrawn. Even if what you sought after was your dream."
(To Sasuke)
"You and I are flesh and blood. I'm always going to be there for you, even if it's only as an obstacle for you to overcome. Even if you do hate me. That's what big brothers are for."
(To Sasuke)
"Growth occurs when one goes beyond one's limits. Realising that is also part of training."
(To Nekomata)
"I've had enough, there's no hope left for this pathetic clan."
(To the Uchiha clansmen)
"The people of this clan are all the same. You focus on the trivial, and lose sight of what's most important. Change is impossible, in this fog of ignorance. How can we evolve when regulation is all we know?"
(To the Uchiha clansmen)
"You hold onto the organisation and your clan name. These things limit us and limit our capacities… These things deserve to be shunned. It is foolish to fear what we've yet to see and know!"
(To the Uchiha clansmen)
"Foolish little brother, if you wish to kill me, hate me, detest me. And yet survive in an unsightly way. Run, run and cling to life, and when you have the same eyes as mine, come to me."
(To Sasuke)
"Those who turn their hands against their comrades are sure to die a terrible death."
(To Kisame)
"We are humans, not fish. We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?"
(To Kisame, after he related the story of the sharks)
"You're still acting like a child. You're living in a fantasy world. You need to come to terms with the fact that you, as a ninja, will be forced to make impossible decisions like this."
(To Naruto)
"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts… their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"
(To Sasuke)
"I'm grateful that my little brother has a friend like you."
(To Naruto)
("Yuruse Sasuke… …Kore de saigo da.")
"Forgive me Sasuke… …It ends with this."
(Last words to Sasuke)
"Self-sacrifice… A nameless shinobi who protects peace within its shadow… That is a true shinobi."
(About Shisui's teachings to him)
"Your dream was your father's dream, wasn't it? Remember this well then. The village did not acknowledge him because he became Hokage. He became the Hokage because the village acknowledged him."
(To Naruto)
"Accepted disgrace in place of honor, and hate in place of love. And Itachi still died with a smile on his face."